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Herbs and Spices that can promote a healthy heart

A nutritious diet is a key component of a healthy lifestyle. When paired with regular physical activity, a nutritious diet can help people dramatically reduce their risk for various diseases, including heart disease. According to the World Health Organization, ischaemic heart disease and stroke claim more lives each year than any other disease, annually accounting for roughly 15% of all deaths across the globe. Many deaths caused by heart disease can be prevented, and eating a healthy diet is a great preventive measure that anyone can take. Though some people may associate healthy diets with bland foods that lack flavor, people can incorporate various heart-healthy herbs and spices into their favorite dishes to make them more nutritious and flavorful. Garlic...

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The Value of Organic Farming

This blog is at the core of our values, and one of the reasons for this venture. I have long been a promoter of healthy eating, but it goes without saying that besides healthy eating you need healthy food.   This blog and the next one ‘Why Origin of Food is Important’ will offer a broad view of why the quality of food is primordial to get the maximum nutrients including vitamins and minerals.  This blog is about the importance of responsible farming, the next one will be the importance of the origin of the food we eat. One of the issues in the spice world is the name of the spices. For example, the name herbes de Provence is generic...

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Why Origin of Food is Important

In order to get not only the best tasting food but take advantage of all the nutrients it has to offer, you need to look at the quality of farming procedures in terms of pesticide and fertilizer which we saw in the precedent blog, , but also at the distance where the food is coming from and how long it took to get to your home. This example is from a fresh produce but could be applied to any food or herbs. If you’ve ever tried a truly fresh tomato, then you know it is bursting with flavour and succulent with juices, by comparison, the tomatoes you get in the supermarket just don't taste and feel the same. There are...

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The Spices Throughout Time

We tend to think of spice as a way to flavour our meal, but it has not always been that way. The earliest record of the use of spice dates back from the pyramid age in Egypt, approximately from 2,500 to 2,100 BC. It is incredible to think that onions and garlic were given to the 100,000 construction workers of The Great Pyramid of Cheops as medicinal herbs to preserve their health. Later they become essential ingredients in the embalming process, which involves cleaning the interior of the abdomen and rinsing it with fragrant spices including cumin, anise, marjoram, cassia and cinnamon. Even though the origin of perfumery is quite obscure it is believed the unpleasant odours were associated with...

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Everything you Need to Know about Exceptional "made in France" Salts

Salt is commonly used in our dishes as a flavor enhancer. But between Guérande salt, Camargue or Noirmoutier, which one to choose? We take stock. Fleur de sel, fine salt, coarse salt ...On a daily basis, we often hear about fleur de sel, fine salt, coarse salt or even flavored salt, without understanding the specificities of each. Small remedial course:Fine salt is used to season dishes in small touches. Meats, sauces or even cake preparations, it allows you to adapt recipes to your taste.Coarse salt is typically used while cooking, in water for pasta, or for cooking salt-crusted meat or fish.Fleur de sel brings a final touch to an exceptional dish. It is appreciated on a toast of foie gras,...

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